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Everything To Know About Destiny 2 Recent Update

Destiny 2 Recent Update

A new update from Bungie, the makers of Destiny 2, deals with a variety of issues and refines certain game elements. Let’s understand the important changes in Update

However, before you dive into our guide for Destiny 2 Update, we recommend players visit our site and check out our Destiny 2 account. So you can have the latest gear and skins, without going out of your way.

Still Hunt Nerfed

Still Hunt Nerfed

One of the most significant changes in this Destiny 2 update is a nerf to the Still Hunt when paired with the Celestial Nighthawk Exotic Fragment. This combination had become exceptionally powerful, allowing players to deal massive damage in a short amount of time. 

To balance this, Bungie has reduced the Golden Gun damage by 33% while using Celestial Nighthawk. This change is likely to have a substantial impact on high-end content, where this combination was often the go-to choice for damage output.

Now that you know about the Destiny 2 Still Hunt nerf, we recommend you check out our website and buy Destiny 2 items. This will allow you to dive straight into the campaign with the right gear.

Bug Fixes and Quality of Life Improvements

This Destiny 2 Update also brings a few bug fixes and other quality-of-life improvements, based on the player feedback.

  • Seasonal Challenge Fix: The issue preventing players from completing the Aggressive Exploration 1 Seasonal Challenge after finishing the Breach Executable Weekly Challenge has been resolved.
  • Guardian Rank Fix: The Transcendent and Iconoclast titles now correctly contribute to Guardian Rank requirements.
  • Strange Favor Buff: The Strange Favor buff from Xûr now provides bonus Strange Coins when completing ritual activities, as intended.

Other Changes

While the focus of this update is primarily on bug fixes and balance adjustments, there are also some smaller changes worth mentioning. The issue where the Point-Contact Cannon Brace could accidentally trigger lightning strikes has been resolved, preventing unwanted surprises in combat. 

Additionally, the Artifact perk Sniper’s Meditation was incorrectly buffing Still Hunt’s Golden Gun shots, but this has been fixed to prevent unintended interactions. Overall, Update is a relatively small patch focused on refining the gameplay experience.

What’s Next for Destiny 2?

Even if Destiny 2 Update is dedicated mainly to fixing issues and adjusting balance, the speculation about what could occur in Destiny 2’s upcoming updates is always intriguing. Since the game remains well-liked, Bungie likely has many fresh content and upgrades prepared for it. 

Players may anticipate new raids, dungeons, and seasonal activities along with possible expansions in storylines or lore of this game.

Even though the Still Hunt nerf is expected to gain much attention, the Destiny 2 community will also be grateful for the bug repairs and enhancements in quality of life. Regularly checking the official Bungie website remains crucial for acquiring more details and revision.

What are your thoughts on the Still Hunt nerf? Let us know in the comments below.

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