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Probe Begins: Investigators to Analyze Voice Recordings and Data from Imploded Submersible

Probe Begins: Investigators to Analyze Voice Recordings and Data from Imploded Submersible

The U.S. officials and investigators of this submersible incident have opened up the plans before investigating this unlucky submarine named Titan. This press conference is executed when a time of one week is passed since the incident of the Titan submarine explosion. This incident takes five lives to the death; who wants to visit the crash site of the famous Titanic cruise ship in order to see its wreckage? 

Marine Board of Investigation: Titans Implosion Mystery

As it is still a mystery to be solved so the formation of the Marine Board of Investigation is made which is executed by the Coast Guards, has the representation through which investigation of the highest quality is expected, which is told by the chief investigator of the U.S Coast Guards named as Captain Jason Neubauer. This panel of elite members’ main and basic objective is to resolve the cause of this major incident by providing advocacy to the proper channel or some juery for possibilities of civil prosecution and criminal action.

All the investigations, including this major investigation of the Coast Guard, have been underway from the time when these Titans faced implosion, and the major line of focus is to collect the remaining residue from the sight of wreckage.

Uniting Canada and the US to Uncover the Cause of the Incident

The officials from Canada have also boarded this Mother Ship, which is named Polar Prince, in order to be part of the investigation and goes into reviewing the recordings of the voices from the vessel’s Bridge. After getting useful data from the data recorder during this journey, they will shape them all to come to a certain conclusion.

Kathy Fox, who is chairing the famous transportation safety board off of Canada, has issued a statement that we are not making defaulters to someone or blaming anyone but the main purpose behind this investigation is to determine the cause of what happened at the incident sight and why it happened and what preventive measures we have to take to avoid these type of similar incidents in future.

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