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U.S. Japan Sign Education Agreement: A Step Towards Educational Excellence

U.S. Japan Sign Education Agreement: A Step Towards Educational Excellence

A memorandum of cooperation in education is signed between the U.S. Department and Japan’s Ministry of Education. The major goal of the agreement is to achieve an important milestone in the bilateral educational relationship between the two countries. To observe the occasion, Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken and MEXT Minister Nagaoka Keiko participated in a signing event that was held in Hiroshima, Japan.

This collaboration signed several other partnership agreements between U.S. technology companies, U.S. universities, and Japanese universities. A major investment of over $210 million in the field of quantum science and semiconductors is also a part of this agreement. 

The prominent aim and goal is to foster innovations and advancements in critical education areas. 

Another major partnership is also announced between IBM and the University of Tokyo and the University of Chicago, whose aim is to develop the world’s first quantum-centric supercomputer with 100,000 qubits. It is a 10-year-long project with a landmark of $100 million, and the focus will be on developing cutting-edge technologies that are used to create a grip on quantum computing and reshape the computing landscape.

Another good news is that Google is also in 10 years partnership with $50 million of investment on quantum computing with the University of Tokyo and the University of Chicago. These partnerships between technology companies and universities will strengthen talent in critical technology areas, create economic opportunities for both countries and ensure economic security.

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